Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I Read The News Today, Oh Boy.

This morning on the train I decided to write a blog of 'A Day in the Life of Katy'. I was a little groggy at the time but grew more and more determined throughout my commute. I even e mailed myself notes once I got to work, which is more thought than I usually put into a blog post. Lets see if its as interesting as I was sure it would be early this morning.

8:00 Alarm goes off but Laura is in the shower. Going to work a half hour later messes up the morning flow around here for me. Try to lay in bed and listen for the shower to stop but my radiator is going absolutely nuts. Get up grudgingly to start the coffee.

8:10 Get into shower.

8:30 Our of shower, get coffee, get dressed.

8:55 Head to train station.

9:00 Catch Manhattan bound Q. Its rush hour, still, so even though I walk all the way to the front car I have to stand. Feel grouchy about standing. Try to stake out who will vacate a seat first and stand near them.

9:30 Arrive at Times Square and transfer to the uptown 3. I do not have to stand. I notice a man in Ralph Lauren overalls and wonder why. Feel grouchy about overalls.

9:45 Arrive at work 15 minutes early but notice that the opening person hasn't shown up, leaving me a hot second to do everything needed to open the store. Scramble to open the store by 10. Feel grouchy about scrambling.

10:00 Boss arrives. Manager calls and gives me a to do list to complete. Boss gives me more not so fun clerical tasks. Nobody knows where opening person is.

10:15 Begin tedious clerical task which thankfully involves sitting at a desk.

10:17 Opening person arrives 45 minutes late.

2:00 No portrait appointments today. I begin to wonder if 4pm will ever get here. Feel grouchy about Clerical task and all customers.

4:00 Head home. I get to sit on both trains and read my book which makes me very happy.

5:10 Arrive home, call Jake to say hi. Eat some candy. TV and supper and Facebook await.

Most of my days involve a lot less feeling grouchy. Today was just a crabby day from start to finish. I blame the weather. Also most days I do not do anything clerical although I do do a lot of tedious things. We didn't have any photo appointments today at all so we all had to do those tasks we'd been putting off for a while.

I have a lot of fun things coming up this weekend and also I can't wait to see Jake at Easter time.


  1. I like this post a lot. Well, not the grumpy parts but I do like the way you posted what you did throughout the day. I may do this on my blog sometime soon. Although mine would be full of gross stuff. Today for example, Easton took off his diaper and pooped on the rug. He was very upset about it so he didn't get in trouble but we definitely had a long talk about what NOT to do when he needs to potty. TMI? Probably but this is the stuff that makes up my days.

  2. P.S. You should read my latest blog post. You might have read it already but I've changed it a little since then.
