Nothing too exciting really today. I woke up and called about the job at Talbots but was told to call back after noon when Tammy, my manager friend would be in. I decided to go into Manhattan and buy Laura's birthday present so it would be here when she comes home on Saturday. Her Birthday is tomorrow! When I got back I had a small lunch and finally talked to Tammy who set me up with the Talbots on Madison Avenue. I put on my job gettin' outfit once again and headed there to fill out an application. I should hear back in the next couple of days about an interview so hopefully that will go well.
Its very quiet in my apartment and I'm dying for a great big hamburger and some company. I better save my last bits of cash until some money comes in so I will have some beans instead. It looks like I might get to go to my first NYC rock and roll show on Friday night! Laura DeWitt is taking me to see MIKA who is one of her favorite artists. Should be really exciting and hopefully by then we'll be celebrating my employment!!
Oh a couple very small cool things happened today. To be prepared for going into Talbots today I ironed a shirt but when I plugged in my iron it completely fell apart. I had met the lady next door in the hall last week and she had told me to come over if I needed anything so I rang her bell and borrowed her iron. I don't know why but it tickled me to borrow an iron from my neighbor, because you see, I live here. Her name is Millie and she is very nice and two doors down on the right is Sondra who has a walker. They told me that everyone on our floor except us and the other next door apartment have been here for close to 20 years. That explains why its so quiet.
The second thing is that on the Subway platform at Courtelyou Rd I ran into one of the mom's from the coffee shop that I had given my card to last week. We smiled and said hi. Its starting to feel a lot more familiar around here.
Yay! What a good day!!