Friday, February 19, 2010


Jake was here from Monday morning until just a couple of hours ago. I'd love to tell you all the fancy and fantastic things we did together, taking in the sights and sounds of NYC in winter, but the truth is we didn't leave the house. I went to work for a shift and a meeting but Jake didn't walk out the door until today when he was leaving for the bus. We just ate takeout and watched Olympics. It was FANTASTIC!! There's a reason we get along so well. I wouldn't say I'm a complete homebody but during the Olympics in February I see no point in going to any trouble. We had a wonderful time. It was so sad to say goodbye and see the bus off over in Chinatown and I am missing him already.

Its now lent. I don't ever make New Years Resolutions but I always try to observe Lent. Several different years I resolved to drink a certain amount of water every day but that is no longer a discipline for me as I can easily drink two or three quarts a day now. I have also given up soda a time or two. I don't like to give up things as much as observe disciplines as I think the purpose of Lent is to make you mindful of Jesus times of hardship and sacrifice and not whiny about how much chocolate or whatever means to you. Plus I get REALLY whiney when I want sweets. This year I am resolving to pray every day of Lent, and to use my prayers to give thanks to God for all the things I have. I already pray every day but most days its quick prayers asking for help and support when I'm feeling unsure in situations. To this end, I have started a journal where I am going to write down all the things I'm blessed with to help me grow toward being a more grateful person.

Also I'm taking up pilates, in the hopes that strengthening my abdominal muscles might relieve all my back pain and help prevent the injuries I seem to prone to. I'd love to be able to just lift something without that sinking feeling that I'll be paying for it later! I have a couple choices on Netflix Instant and the one I did today was 30 minutes long. Some parts were very simple but some parts were very hard and had me shaking and moaning a little, so until I can do all parts of it without sounding like a grandma I'm going to try and stick with this one.

So I don't know that its altogether appropriate to say Happy Lent, but hopefully you are all growing and learning in this, the homestretch to SPRING TIME!!

I'm thinking about taking a part time job to help with money since I have fewer hours at the portrait studio. Right now the studio knows I want the hours and have had anyone that needs a shift covered call me I'm just not sure it'll be enough unless I get more hours sometime soon. Anybody have any ideas of retail jobs that are fun? I'm no waitress, that's for sure.

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